Friday, January 9, 2015

A New Year

 I hope you have had a wonderful New Year so far, and I can't believe it's already 2015. I am very excited to see what God is going to do through me, my Women's Ministry and Ignite Missions this year. This process of raising support and speaking in front of people has grown me spirtually, and emotionally in so many ways. God has gotten me out of my comfort zone in so many ways, and shown me I can't live in that comfort zone, and I dont want to. 
This year my primary ministry goals are to continue to grow my Women's Bible studies that I have already started, and to grow my relationships with the women in those two villages. I am wanting to fly back to Honduras January 20th, but I am needing to raise more monthly support for my ministry, so I may need to postpone that date, until I am able to raise the right amount of funds. During this process I am learning to trust God with everything, and trust His timing. I am needing to get in front of different groups of women to speak, and share my heart and ministry, and if you feel like this is something that you think you can make happen for me, please contact me. I can not wait to get back to Honduras, and to see what God does for these women! 
Kelin Update: 
If you were able to read my last blog, I had the privaledge of helping one of the women in my Bible study groups with her hormone imbalance. My hormone doctor was able to donate natural progesterone cream, for me to get to her, which was about a month ago. I just spoke with her the other day, and she told me that she has been feeling amazing, and she has noticed considerable difference. I can not express enough how happy that made me! My desire within my ministry is to educate the women on this issue, and to provide help, after the issues I have had I never want somebody to go through what I've been through. God is allowing me to be apart of helping the Honduran women in all different areas, and I can not wait to see what He does. 
If you or anybody you know might have a group that you think would be good for me to speak with regarding my heart, and ministry please contact me, or if you feel led to support my Women's Ministry monthly, please contact me as well. I would love to meet with anybody to talk one on one about my ministry and heart! God is faithful, and I know He will provide the support and people in my life that need to be there! Thank you for reading, have a wonderful day. 

If you would like to email me, my email is

Also, here is the direct link to SecureGive to set up an account to start supporting my ministry monthly.

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