Sunday, December 7, 2014

Helping Kelin Hernandez

Morgan and Kelin
I wanted to share a victory within my ministry in Honduras. As you know this past year I had the blessing of leading a woman's Bible study in Honduras, and made strong realationships with these ladies. In my life I have personally struggled with hormone imbalance, and my whole life I always questioned God why He allowed this to happen to me? I am now starting to see why God allowed that to happen in my life, I have the ability to relate to women who struggle with the same issue, and a passion to take action and make a difference. Back to this past summer, their is young girl who is only 25 years old who attends our Ignite Church who's name is Kelin Hernandez. Her and I immediately connected and I could feel the Lord leading me to further share my story of hormone imbalance. After sharing my story,  she shared with me her struggles with anxiety, depression, emotional stablility, and so much more. I could feel God laying it on my heart saying, "It's your job to help these ladies Morgan". I prayed with her, and encouraged her as best I could that God has a plan, and has not left her side. I knew something had to be done, so I contacted my hormone doctor back in TN who is an amazing Christian lady, whom I love dearly. We discussed Kelins syptoms and I happy to share that my hormone doctor, Rhonda Robinson will be partnering with me to help the women of Honduras. 
I am happy to announce that this week I was able to shine some hope on Kelins situation and get some natural progesterone cream to her that Rhonda provided. This is a wonderful start to healing and helping a hormone imbalance, we eventually will be able to test her hormones. This is a process that Kelin probably would never have the access to, but Gods faithfullness He allowed me to start a ministry in Honduras, and gave me the knowledge to help her. God is faithful, please pray for Kelin as she starts this new chapter in her life, and for recovery. If you would like to know more regarding Hormone Imbalance please don't hesitate to contact me. Or if you would like to partner with me to help the women of Honduras, I am in need of more monthly support to be able to financially help the women of Honduras, like Kelin. Email me at if this is something you would be interested in. 
Thank you!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Ignite Fundraiser

 Typing in a bouncing car while headed to our next fundraiser is not easy. While sitting here in the back seat and reflecting on this past week, I would like to share with you the blessings from these Fundraiser events and disapointments. 
I would like to begin by expressinng how thankful I am that I get to be apart of an event such as this, and thankful for all the people have helped make each event happen, and allowed us to stay with them. One thing I am realising during these events, is God is truly asking me to get out of my comfort zone by speaking infront of large amounts of people. I desire to be obedient to what God is asking of me, but it has not been an easy thing for me, and still isnt. I desire to have my Father smiling down on me, saying well done my good and faithful daughter. So, every event that we have had I have had the oppotunity to speak and I pray the people saw my heart and mission. My Father, and our other missionary (boyfriend) Coy, did such an amazing job at speaking, they have such an amazing gifting of speaking infrtont of others, and my Mother, wow that woman is so talented and we could not have these events without her. 
Our first Fundraiser event was in Orange County, Cali. What a blessing those people are in my life, I absolutely love them, and thankful to call them friends. The Second event was in Shreveport, LA. Wow, is all I can say, that even was so beautiful, and very well organized. Thank you all who helped. Third event was in South MComb, MS Evan Akins and his adorable wife Julie, wow I love them. They are always so kind, and loving. I am very blessed to have Julie and Evans friendship. We are thankful for y'all and allowing us to have an event in your church. Fourth event was in Franklinton, LA. What a blessing to have friendship such as Dale and Margie who open up their house to us, and help us in such a huge way with our event, and the event was so lovely. Now, as I said I am in a bouncing car headed to our last event which is in Houston, TX. 
During these events God has blessed me with a way to make some extra money for my ministry, I am selling Organic Honduran coffee soap, and wow people love it. I am so thankful about that, it's all God. I use the soap, and I love it, that is how I know they will be satisfied with their purchase. I am still in need to sale more soap, I would love to get this soap off my hands, and sale ALL of it, if you would like a wonderful Christmas gift, some awesome soap is an option. If you would be interested in buying some soap, please contact me by email or through facebook.     
My need from this tour was more monthly supporters, so that I can return to Honduras in January of this coming year, God has put some encouraging people in my life during these events, but I am still in need of more funds. I am needing to raise $2000 of monthly support to be able to fund my ministry and me personally. I am trying to remember to trust Gods plan during this time, and believe that if this is His will for my life that the funds will come. Please pray about partnering with me while God uses me to help the women of Honduras by supporting me monthly, God has blessed you with the funds that you have, and if you feel God is laying it on your heart to support my calling please follow through with that. Or if you are already supporting me, and you feel God is saying to raise your monthly support be faithful to what God is saying. I wish I could do everything God is asking of me without ever having to see money, but I can't and I know I have to ask and pray God moves in your hearts and you see my heart. Also, if you have any kind of womans Bible study group, or anything that you feel I could share my ministry with and my heart please email me or message me on facebook. God is moving and He has a plan. 

Thank you for reading.

(If you would like to set up to Support me Monthly, or a one time Give, please click on this site.)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

My Story, and Plan.

Where to begin? That is a question that rocks my brain as I sit here, and think back on my life. In this blog I would like to share with you my story, and how my thorn in my flesh helps me to be able to help women, and the ability to relate to their struggles. Lets begin!
Most of my life growing up was picture perfect, I had amazing parents, two awesome brothers, and a pretty legit dog. We always had very special family traditions, and loved playing games and going camping together. I loved all of it, but I got comfortable. When I say comfortable, I mean very reliant on my parents. I loved having them to lean on, and I guess you can say I was very dependent on them. I was not being a confident woman in Christ, and I was very sensitive. If anybody said something to me sternly, or if I got embarrassed (which happened often) I would break down and cry. I was fragile, and secretly very insecure. I didn't like knowing I messed up, or wasn't liked. I was afraid of failure, and so I just kept beside my parents. 
As a teenage I never wanted to date just to date, almost everyone around me was breaking up, then finding a new somebody within that week. I knew that wasn't for me, I took relationships seriously, and I had no desire to just give my heart away to the first boy that comes along. I had my first "boyfriend" when I was sixteen, and I thought I could trust him but come to find out he didn't want to be with me like I wanted to be with him. Like I said before, I was very sensitive and sixteen so naturally I overreact and thought it was the end of the world. During that time, I learned a lot about who I was, and who I wanted to be. God also brought into my life my best friend still to this day. We went to the same youth group, and she saw I was hurting and was there for me.
As you probably know, I grew up as a Missionaries Kid, we left the states when I was twelve, and would spend from January till September in Honduras, and from September till January back in Tennessee. Going back and forth was never easy for me, I hated saying goodbye. Looking back, saying goodbye has been my life. When I was seventeen, I started to really see how blessed I was to grow up on the mission field and see how powerful and faithful God is. I started to truly realize how passionate I was to lead and help girls be the confident women God want them to be. I desired to see them KNOW how beautiful, special, and loved they are. That flame to help women has never faded. 
When I turned eighteen, I decided it was time to try and separate from my parents and go on a long summer retreat with a college ministry and work at Dollywood in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. That is when everything started to go down hill, and where my life changed forever. Like I said before, I was very attached to my parents, so leaving them stressed me out to the max. I started noticing things that were abnormal for me, I started overly caring about what others thought, I felt small in a huge world, very depressed, and not content with who I was and where I was. I did not know what was wrong with me, I just felt very alone. Well, as planned I left to leave for the summer, and I will never forget having to say goodbye. 
During that summer, I experienced a lot of heartache, crying, and doubts. I didn't know what was wrong with me, I had never been that kind of girl before. A girl who doubted everything, and yes I was sensitive but never to this extent. I felt like I was in a dark pit and no matter what I did I couldn't get out. My relationship with the Lord, was nonexistent, I really had zero faith. My mind played tricks on me, and made me think God wasn't real, and you were crazy for believing so. I was overwhelmed, and alone. I had nobody to talk to, nobody to understand what I was struggling with. I didn't even know something was wrong with me, I just knew I had a daily battle with my mind and emotions. When that summer was over, I left to go back to Honduras, and I think I cried on my moms shoulder every chance I had got, we both did not know what to do. 
Skipping to when I was twenty, suffering with these symptoms for almost three years, was the hardest years of my life. I went to the doctor, had blood work done, he said everything was fine and normal. I was convinced that something was terribly wrong, I was never speaking, never smiling, never leaving my room, and if you know me that's very abnormal. I remember the day when I was sitting in the car with my parents and my mom looked at me and all she could see was depression, and darkness. She said to my dad, we have to do something! So, my mom being the angel that she is, took me to a hormone doctor that she knew of. Walking into mrs. Rhondas office(who is still my hormones doctor to this day), and talking to her about what I had been struggling with, and thinking. We told her we did not think that a girl as young as I was could get hormonally imbalanced, but she looked at me and said "Honey, I have girls as young as fifteen years old, coming in here ready to commit suicide, because their hormones are so off" and when I heard that I saw a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel. I thought maybe I'm not crazy, and their is something wrong with me. So, we immediately took action, and took a hormone test, and the result were frightening. I did struggle with hormone imbalance, which it felt good to know the cause. 
I started all my hormone replacements, and after two to three weeks had passed I started feeling normal again, I remember walking outside and enjoying the sunshine and not being overcome by depression. It started getting better and better, and I started feeling like myself again. Like I wanted to dance just to be silly, and laugh so hard that you started crying. I realized in that moment, that I never want somebody to go through what I went through. 
My desire today, is to help women recognize hormone imbalance is a very real thing. Whether they ever struggle with it or not, it is very important to know that it could happen and to help those who are struggling. I also strongly desire to grow women in their self-confidence, and strength. I know how hard it is to be confident in oneself, and I would love to see the women of Honduras be women of dignity, strength, and of God. 
My whole life, I could feel God laying it on my heart to help women, to be that woman that I needed so badly when I was so bad off. I always knew I was going to have a woman's ministry of some sort, I honestly never imagined it being in Honduras. Honduras has always had a very special place in my heart, but never thought I would move back. 
This past summer God opened the doors and made a way for me to be able to work in Honduras with my parents. After living on my own in the states for the past two years, I was very excited and nervous about this new chapter in my life, and did not know where God would take me. About the second week I was in Honduras, my mom asked if I would start leading a woman's Bible study at one of our Ignite churches. Naturally, I was very excited about the opportunity and said yes! I started praying about what I wanted the study to be, and I felt the Lord leading me towards Identity in Christ. Leading a Bible study fully in spanish is not easy, and pretty scary. I grew some very strong friendships with these ladies, and it was overwhelming to experience them coming to me about their issues, and fears. I will never forget this as long as I live, but as the series was coming to a close, one of the ladies from the Bible study came to me and desired to talk. We walked over to an area where nobody could hear what she desired to talk about. This sweet Honduran lady looked me in the eyes and said "Morgan, you have changed my life, I see how God sees me now, and I thank you so much for that, and I want you to come back and speak to our younger ladies also." Those words "You changed my life" hit me so hard, and it was all I could do to not cry. God was using me and speaking through me to these ladies, in more ways than I could ever do. I also experienced several women who struggle with hormone imbalance but have no means or connections to get it taken care of. That is why I have a desire to introduce these issues to the women of Honduras and help them, and give them hope. God showed me so many things I could go on and on, but I pray you see my heart and you see the need these ladies have. I know God has called me to Honduras, and I know God has called me to lead and love on these broken women. I know this was a lot to read, but I pray it touched your life in some way. 
I am currently back in the States and trying to raise support to be able to go back to Honduras and continue to lead that same Bible study, and grow stronger relationships with those women, and if the Lord wills it go from one ladies Bible study to having a Bible study in several different villages. Eventually I will start teaching and encouraging those ladies to go out and make disciples of their own and lead a Bible study. God says go and make disciples, and that is exactly what I plan to do. This is my heart, and passion, I hope you see the need as much as I do, and I thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a blessed day! I

If you care to support me in anyway, or just want to talk please email me at

Morgan Feazel
Ignite Missions 
Honduras Number- 615-257-1206
States Number-615-281-7117
Donation Mailing AddressP.O. Box 2038, Mt. Juliet, TN  37121
One Time or Recurring Donation-SECURE GIVE

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Back in the States, with my heart in Honduras.

 Well Everybody, 
As you probably know already I am back in the States, and it feels good and weird to be back. I keep forgetting I can speak english everywhere I go, and don't have to be nervous when I drive. If you have ever been to Honduras you'll understand what I am talking about. 
Looking back at this past summer in Honduras, I have been so blessed to have been apart of such an incredible experience. God really showed me a lot while I was there, and look forward to going back. God allowing me to lead that Bible study with those women gave me a good taste of what I'm capable of and how God can use me in Honduras. It ignited the fire within my heart to pursue going back fulltime, and leading these ladies to be passionate women after Gods own heart. 
My plan while I'm back in the States is to raise more committed montly support, and I'm also trying to raise the funds to be able to go to language school in Costa Rica. The intensive course will go from January 12th till February 27th, it's a seven week program of very hard learning. I will need to raise $1,465 to be able to make this happen, not including the plane ticket. 
Why do I feel the need to learn spanish when I already speak it, do you ask? Well, I learned spanish when I was only 12 years old, and was too young to learn all the grammatical ways of spanish and how to congigate words. If you know anything about spanish, you know it's all about congigating. My desire is to be able to talk and lead these ladies without stuggling to understand and speak. I get by, but I would rather do more than get by, I want to thrive. 
I will also need to raise $9,000 to be able to buy me a car in Honduras, so I am able to achieve all that I desire to do. Driving to different villages and visiting with the ladies there, and growing relationships. Also, I will need to go to and from my womans Bible studies that I plan on leading weekly in different villages. So, that is why a car is a big need of mine as well. 
I pray you see my passion for what God has laid on my heart. If you desire to help in any way, please email me or message me on Facebook. Have a wonderful day, Thank you so much for reading! 

Morgan Feazel
Ignite Missions 
Honduras Number- 615-257-1206
States Number-615-281-7117
Donation Mailing AddressP.O. Box 2038, Mt. Juliet, TN  37121
One Time or Recurring Donation-SECURE GIVE

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Walk by faith not by sight.

  I would like to begin writing this blog by explaining why Honduras has such a very special place in my heart, when I was only eleven years old my parents got called to ministry in Honduras. I was too young to really know what a huge leap of faith that was, I just thought I was going to get to see monkeys. So, my parents started raising support to be able to live in Costa Rica for a year with all us kiddos and learn Spanish. Sounds crazy right? Well, my whole family packed everything into suitcases and left on an adventure that would change our lives forever. About nine months later we eventually started catching on to spanish, and left Cost Rica ready to embark on a new adventure in Honduras. 
 When we finally arrived in Honduras, we were working with a ministry called BMDMI (Baptist, Medical, Dental, Missions, International). My dad was very busy with hosting teams week after week, and my mom was busy homeschooling us kids. We have so many amazing memories together as a family, and have seen God move in Mighty ways. I will elaborate on Gods Mighty ways in another blog someday, but for now lets talk about 2008, the year where God moved our lives in an amazing direction. That year God called my parents to start their own ministry in Honduras, called Ignite Missions. Ignite Missions is a non-profit organization, we host teams from the US to come down and serve the wonderful people of Honduras and spread the word and love of God. 
 So, lets skip ahead about two years in 2010 when I decided to move away back to Nashville, Tennessee and go to school. That was a very hard decision for me, my heart has always been in Honduras and I knew I did not want to leave. After graduating, I started working and had a normal American life style but I still didn't feel like it was where I was meant to be. My whole life I have always had a passion for women, to help women grow in their dignity, strength, and to know who they are in Christ. I've always known in my heart I was going to be apart of some kind of ministry someday, but when I was a child I never thought I would be a missionary in Honduras. It's crazy how God works, and how God brings you back. 
 This year has been an incredible year for me, God has opened doors, and spoken to me in many different ways. Since I've been here in Honduras, I have been leading a womans Bible study and it has been such an incredible, and humbling experience. Having the opportunity to walk with these ladies where they are at and be able to love on them has made this summer such a eye opening time in my life. I truly desire to continue and grow my ministry with the women in Honduras. I am planning on coming back next year to continue my Bible study and grow my womans ministry, and to help my parents as much as I can. Walk by faith not by sight is easier said than done, it is a lot easier to have a regular paying job, and make your own income. I am trying my hardest to daily trust God with my support, and so many other things. I ask for prayer during this time in my life, where God is moving and changing so many things. Thank you for reading my first blog, I hope you enjoyed it. 

Morgan Feazel
One Time or Recurring Donation-SECURE GIVE