Before I say anything I want to apologize for the lack of blog posting. It has been awhile and the only thing I can say is, it's very hard to remember to set aside time to write a blog in a busy life..but.. it needs to be prioritized better. But, wow does life fly by so quickly and I'm trying to remember everything that God has done in the last couple of months. Let's start in September.

First thing I would like to share with you, is how God has been growing the discipleship part of my ministry which is the most important part of my ministry. God has been just really been showing me what discipleship looks like and the importance of discipleship. I am very excited to see how God will continue to grow this side of my ministry. Andrea and Kelin, the two ladies I disciple in Honduras, are just so eager to learn and grow in Gods word. I feel so inadequite at times but I know God has called me and I know God will equip me. I have been challenging my ladies to really be bold in the Lord and know who they are in Christ and I love seeing the Lord grow them in this area. Andrea and Kelin are going against the grain of their culture...a culture that is very use to hand outs by missionaries, which us missionaries have created. Andrea and Kelin have started their own ministries in their own village, every Monday's they teacha crochet class with around 20 ladies and at the end Kelins shares Gods truth from His word directly. I am so proud of them, and so happy to see them stepping up and taking leadership in this area. I remind them daily that as I am teaching them they will go out and make disciples of their own. These ladies have started a discipleship study group every Friday, they have about 1 woman that comes consistently, and I am very proud of their desire to be Biblical. Please be praying the Lord continues to guide me and lead me on how to disciple these ladies and others, and pray the Lord continues to reveal Himself to them.

If you follow my ministry FB page you probably saw that Rhonda Robinson, my hormone doctor came down mid September and for 5 days spoke to large groups of women about hormone imbalance and we have consultations with about 100 women, it was an incredible time. These women were so eager to learn and get help, it was truly an amazing experience. The Lord has just opened a door wide open for the opportunity to provide natural hormone help, and I'm excited to see where it goes. It has been a blessing having her partner with me to better the health of these ladies, we are exteremly blessed to have her with us. After going through the hardship I went through and God bringing Rhonda into my life, I knew God was going to do something! We are now helping around 50 women from all over Honduras with their hormones, they are using natural progesterone cream, and taking natural supplements to get them balanced, can't believe God allowed me to lead this!

Something else new that happened this past September was that I got engaged to Coy Davis, my boyfriend of a year and five months! I was very surprised and excited!!!! We are planning on getting married this coming April, and I couldn't be more excited about starting our life and ministry together. The Lord has done so much in our lives by bringing us together, we are complete opposites in every way, but God knew what he was doing because we help each other in areas that each of us struggle in. I know God has a huge plan for our lives, and marriage.
As I am writing this blog all I can think about is prayer..
I am sending this out seeking prayer from all who read this. A lot of change is happening in my life right now, and I am trying my best to just lean on Christ and trust Him fully with EVERYTHING! Marriage is a huge step, and I know God is giving me peace, but it's still scary..and I couldn't ask for a better man to be my husband. But I still seek prayer, protection over our relationship during this time, their is nothing the enemy wants more is to not have a Godly marriage to please be praying strongly against the lies and attacks of the biggests liar of them all. Also be praying that we grow closer during this time, and we are prepared for marriage. Also, pray for our future marriage, just God will be the center of it all, and will continue to be center until we die. Also be praying for our ministries in Honduras, and the protection around those as well.. I have had fear the past couple of days about my money for my ministry, just monthly support and needing a car for my ministry, and I am continously reminded that God is a God of the impossible and He can do all things, and to trust. Please pray trust over my mind and life and pray the Lord provides my financial needs. Thank You!
Also, I am wanting to share this because it's a need. I am going to be in the states till end of January, and I am need opportunities to share my heart and needs infront of people. If you could be praying about if you think you have that exact opportunity for me, I am wanting to expand my network and get the word out at what God is doing in Honduras and how God is growing the women of Honduras, so if you feel like you can help me please contact me. God has called me to Honduras, and maybe God is laying it on your heart to help. Thank you for your continual prayer, your continual encouragment, and continual support. I'm excited for this next year and I'm excited to see what God is going to do.
Ignite Missions
Honduras Number- 615-257-1206
States Number-615-281-7117
Donation Mailing Address- P.O. Box 2038, Mt. Juliet, TN 37121
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