The pictures that you see above are from the ladies Bible study I have every Monday afternoons! My mother and I started giving rides to the ladies who live down the mountain in Piliguin and take them up to Trojes. We do this so that the ladies can have fellowship among their sisters in Christ. We have been going through the book Search for Significance by Robert McGee. I can't even express how much the ladies have loved going through this book, I have NO doubt God put this book in my path so that I can go through it with them. The things the ladies share with the group about how God is working in them is AMAZING! Please be praying God continues to grow these ladies in their understanding of who they are in Christ. The ladies here are ready to start their own ministries, the leaders among the ladies in this group are taking charge and continuing the study on their own and starting discipleship in their village. I'm excited to see how God moves in Piliguin and Trojes. These ladies are motivated to spread God's love and disciple and equip other ladies for the Kingdom of God!
Corralitos has been a challenge since day one, but God has given me the strength to carry on and I'm starting to see why. I believe I shared in the last update that Valeria and I have been meeting twice a week, and have been reading through Luke. Valeria, loves studying God's Word and loves learning new things. I am excited to see the Lord use her in mighty ways, and start to disciple other ladies. Please be in prayer for this young lady, she struggles with laziness, which does not give God honor. Please pray she is motivated to serve the Lord whole hearted and honor's Him with how she serves and study's His word.
Every Friday I have a group Bible study with Valeria, and Corrina. We are reading through Search for Significance also, and they have been really loving it. God has been challenging them in their walks, and their understanding of who God is. Nancy will be continuing these studies with the ladies while I am away to the States for a little while.
I have a very large prayer request. In this picture above is a young lady named Emily that me, Andrea, and her husband Omar are visiting and praying over. This young lady has a problem in her liver and the doctors here in Honduras has told her she will die within 6 months if she is not sent to a specialist in the States. God has given me the opportunity to try to help her with getting to the USA. Their are ministries that help cases like this get people to the States for emergency surgeries. Please be praying God heals this young woman, and if that is not the Lord's will to provide the opportunity to get the States for surgery. Please be covering her in prayer for her situation but also for her relationship with the Lord. Also, be covering her mother who is standing behind us in the picture. She is a single mother and works very hard to provide for her three children, let alone for all the bills to her daughters situation.
I am happy to announce that I am leaving this coming Tuesday, Oct. 11th, to TN to help my younger brother get married! Also, my husband and I will be traveling around visiting people to share our ministries that God has given us so they can know what God is doing! If you would like to get together with me or both of us while in the USA, please email me and I would love to find a time to get together. I know the Lord will provide the needs we have to continue to living here in Honduras and continuing our ministries. Please contact me if you are interesting in knowing more or just would like to catch up, we love both!
Morgan Davis
Ignite Missions
Honduras Number- 615-257-1206
States Number-615-281-7117
Donation Mailing Address- P.O. Box 2038, Mt. Juliet, TN 37121
One Time or Recurring Donation-SECURE GIVE