Ministry here in Honduras has been a journey, but a good journey. Women's ministry is sometimes difficult but in the long run it's so worth it. These past couple of months have been such a whirlwind, and very busy. Team season with Ignite was wonderful, so many wonderful people came down to serve. So great seeing the body of Christ work together for the Glory of God, and seeing the ladies here growing in God's truth.
God has been moving and molding the Women's ministry God gave me this year in so many ways, and I'm so excited to see the ladies here growing in God's truth and Word. I am so thankful for what God teaches me on a daily basis, and what God reveals to me through His word and the ladies He puts in my path.

Every Thursday I meet with a young lady named Valeria from Corralitos, she has been a believer for about 6 years and came to me to start meeting for discipleship. The way this young ladies face lights up when she learns something new about our Savior is so incredible. Please be praying for Valeria, God is working so much in her life, and she has a lot of tough choices to make if she desires to be obedient to God. Be also praying for me as I continue to disciple her in God truth, that I am lead by the Holy Spirit and remain Biblical in everything I do. We have been reading through Luke together and I have been trying to shower her how to study God's word, and not just read it. It has been such a rewarding process seeing God grow her, and use me. Every time we meet I remind her of what God expects of her through discipleship, and I am excited to see her find a young lady who is hungry for God also. I currently feel the Lord laying it on my heart to start meeting with her twice a week to start digging deeper in God's word together, please be praying over this process and discipleship with Valeria. I am very excited to see how God is working!

Every Monday afternoon my mother and I pick up ladies from Piliguin and drive them up to Trojes to have a ladies Bible study group with all the ladies of the church and villages. We have been going through the book Search for Significance all together, and wow have they been loving it! It's been so wonderful seeing them grow in God's truth in who they are in God weekly. If you haven't read this book, please do it"ll change your life. The way these ladies open up and share how God is moving in their lives is so encouraging to hear. We are currently on chapter 5 which talks about Approval

addict, which talks about how we believe Satan's lie of needing people's approval vs. God's full approval. I'm excited to see these ladies grow and get challenged as they dig deeper in God's truth, I
know God used this book to really open my eyes to seeing how many lies I believed in my life and how I could apply God's truth. God laid it on my heart to share this book with the ladies here, and I'm excited to see how God is using it. I also can see that the fellowship of the group has been a blessing for these ladies, the way they pray together and confide with one another. There has been tears and a lot of laughter among the ladies, and I'm so excited to see the Body of Christ coming together and supporting and sharing together. The Lord is working in these ladies lives in so many ways. I know most of ya'll have heard of Wendy, the young lady who has been battling the tumor in her brain. Well both her and her mother are in this group and the way God has been using this group to heal them and grow them has been astounding. Their have been a lot of sharing about their struggles and tears, God has been using these ladies to help encourage them and be supportive. Please be praying for Wendy, and Elizabeth.. they have been through a lot these past years and need encouragement and prayers.

I am also meeting every Saturday with the ladies of Linaca, and we are continuing the Conquer Fear Capture Faith study, and all I can say is WOW! We have been studying spiritual gifts and they have
been loving it. One of the ladies of the group who's name is Iris is starting discipleship with youth in the villages, it's so exciting to see the ladies blossom and grow in being obedient to God's calling. I love seeing the Lord work in each one of these ladies lives and how they grow in to Godly leaders. Also, be praying over these ladies as they continue to seek God in their life and ministries.
Also, be praying over Coy and I. Ministry isn't always easy, especially in another country with another culture. Please be continuously praying over Coy and I's marriage and home. Be praying over both of our over all ministries and Godly marriage. Thank you for your continuous support, I couldn't do what God has called me to do without each one of you, you are more of a blessing than you know.
People these days have a different God and some are atheists but it feels so good to see someone come out of their own narcisstic shell and believe in a meaning of life and something spiritual. Kudos to you.