I wanted to share a victory within my ministry in Honduras. As you know this past year I had the blessing of leading a woman's Bible study in Honduras, and made strong realationships with these ladies. In my life I have personally struggled with hormone imbalance, and my whole life I always questioned God why He allowed this to happen to me? I am now starting to see why God allowed that to happen in my life, I have the ability to relate to women who struggle with the same issue, and a passion to take action and make a difference. Back to this past summer, their is young girl who is only 25 years old who attends our Ignite Church who's name is Kelin Hernandez. Her and I immediately connected and I could feel the Lord leading me to further share my story of hormone imbalance. After sharing my story, she shared with me her struggles with anxiety, depression, emotional stablility, and so much more. I could feel God laying it on my heart saying, "It's your job to help these ladies Morgan". I prayed with her, and encouraged her as best I could that God has a plan, and has not left her side. I knew something had to be done, so I contacted my hormone doctor back in TN who is an amazing Christian lady, whom I love dearly. We discussed Kelins syptoms and I happy to share that my hormone doctor, Rhonda Robinson will be partnering with me to help the women of Honduras. I am happy to announce that this week I was able to shine some hope on Kelins situation and get some natural progesterone cream to her that Rhonda provided. This is a wonderful start to healing and helping a hormone imbalance, we eventually will be able to test her hormones. This is a process that Kelin probably would never have the access to, but Gods faithfullness He allowed me to start a ministry in Honduras, and gave me the knowledge to help her. God is faithful, please pray for Kelin as she starts this new chapter in her life, and for recovery. If you would like to know more regarding Hormone Imbalance please don't hesitate to contact me. Or if you would like to partner with me to help the women of Honduras, I am in need of more monthly support to be able to financially help the women of Honduras, like Kelin. Email me at Morgan@ignitemissions.org if this is something you would be interested in. Thank you!
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