Something else that has happened is God has provided Coy and I a house to rent back in Honduras. This is a huge God thing because we have been looking and looking for a place to rent after we get married in April but couldn't find anything under $700 a month, and we just can't afford that. So, I started praying that God would provide something, and God revealed His faithfulness again. Coy found a house right up the from Ignites mission house for $200 a month, yes $200 a month, God take things that seem impossible to this world and make possible! Coy has started the process of buying appliances and painting our new house, I am so excited about this new chapter. Another blessing is it's right up the road from the villages that I focus on discipleship, which is huge. I am so excited about being able to be near all my ladies, so I can live life with them. Please, I ask for prayer.. just that Coy and I will keep our marriage and ministries centered around God. Also, pray protection around our marriage, because the enemy hates God seeking marriages.
I also want to share with you that I have a new website, it's I am very excited about this, because it's a very easy way for people to keep up with what's going on within my ministry, and support me if they'd like. All in one combo haha! So, if you would like to share my ministry with anybody, you can just take them to my website, it's all there!
God has been challenging me while being back in the States, and being challenged by God is never easy. God is growing me and preparing me to better serve Him and the ladies of Honduras, please just be covering me in prayer, and Coy God prepares us to serve Him in Honduras, and serve Him within our marriage. Also, I am here in the states till after my wedding, April 2nd, and I am looking for opportunities to share with others what God is doing in Honduras, and how people can help. If you have a women's group and just ladies you think would be interested in helping women in Honduras as well, please contact me by going to my website. Thank you, and thank you for reading! Have a blessed day